Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder engagement is a crucial building block of a high-quality report. Stakeholder inclusiveness is also a core reporting principle that must be applied to prepare a report in accordance with the GRI Standards. A report written without engaging the key stakeholders is like an arrow shot in the darkness.
Our stakeholder engagement services will help you boost the credibility of your reports. We will help you identify your stakeholders and plan and execute engagement strategies to gather the insight needed for developing effective reports.
If you plan to develop your report in-house, our one-day materiality workshop is all you will need. We will assist the internal stakeholders to complete the materiality assessment and produce a materiality matrix, completely in-house.
Our materiality services not only help you identify or review the material topics for reporting, they are also designed to prepare your internal stakeholders to contribute to the reporting process in an efficient manner.
CSRWorks International Pte Ltd
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