Green Finance

Green Finance Advisory

Are you considering a green loan facility to finance your projects that produce environmental benefits and improve your environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance?

We offer independent second party opinion for your green loan framework and green bond framework to ensure compliance with the applicable principles and standards and industry best practice. We can also help you develop a Green Loan Framework that is required by lending financial institutions.

Green Loan

Green Loan Framework Development
We advise clients on the development of Green Loan Framework in accordance with the Green Loan Principles issued by the Loan Market Association. We can help you in the development of green criteria and specifications for the management of proceeds and the development of performance indicators and evaluation metrics for monitoring and reporting.

Second Party Opinion
We provide Second Party opinion for Green Loan Frameworks based on a rigorous review to ensure it meets the Green Loan Principles, relevant standards and industry best practice.

Annual Review
We provide third-party annual review of green loans to ensure ongoing compliance with the Green Loan Principles relating to the use of proceeds, process for project evaluation and selection, management of proceeds and reporting on the use of proceeds.

Green Bond

Green Bond Framework
We advise clients on the development of Green Bond Framework in accordance with the Green Bond Principles issued by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA).

Second Party Opinion
We provide Second Party opinion for Green Bond Frameworks based on a rigorous review to ensure it meets the Green Bond Principles and other relevant industry standards.

Annual Review
We provide annual review of green loans to ensure ongoing compliance with the Green Bond Principles relating to the use of proceeds, process for project evaluation and selection, management of proceeds and reporting on the use of proceeds

Green Finance Workshop

We offer training in green finance principles and practices that cover a range of green finance opportunities for borrowers and lenders.

Why CSRWorks

CSRWorks brings years of experience in sustainability consulting, assurance and verification, training and thought leadership to provide trusted advice and second party opinion.

Get in touch with us today! Write to

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CSRWorks International Pte Ltd
237 Alexandra Road
#06-06 The Alexcier
Singapore 159929

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