Francisco Arellano
Head of Corporate Quality, HSE,
Maynilad Water Services
Engr. Arellano has dedicated his more than 40 years of professional career in sustaining economic growth with concerns on the environment, pursuit of International recognition of Filipino engineers and advocacy for the preservation and conservation of our natural resources. He has made a mark in the water industry; planning and designing waterworks and sewerage systems for Metro Manila, conducting researches on low cost sewerage and sanitation, water and wastewater treatment; sludge management, biogas from waste, water quality modeling, air pollution and noise control, solid waste management and lately the privatization of the water and sewerage services for MWSS. He retired from the government service and joined the Maynilad Water Services Inc. in 1997 as Assistant Vice President and Head of the Engineering Area. He is now a Senior Assistant Vice President for Environment Management Department and Corporate Communications. He heads a project under the UNDP-EPIC Program which set up local recognition and registry for environmental assessors. Previously, he headed another UNDP-PRIME Project and USAID-IEMP project which helped set up environmental management systems for small and medium scale industries. He has assisted several electroplating plants, carrageenan industries, geothermal power plants, swine farms, food processors , industrial estates, land developers, paper board producers in putting up there environmental management systems and waste management programs, audits, environmental impact and risk assessment studies.
Last year, he was appointed by Pres. Arroyo to be a member of the Board of Examiners for the Chemical Engineering Board. He was conferred by the Asean Federation of Engineering Organization (AFEO) the title of ASEAN Engineer in Cambodia in 2002.
Through the years, he has maintained his linkages with the academe. A former professor of the University of the East, he is also a professional Lecturer in University of the Philippines, and a Professor in Miriam College. His notable academic researches include the use of malunggay seeds for coagulation, use of recycled tin cans in treating metal plating waste, use of models for tracking water quality and collection of refuse, encapsulating toxic industrial and geothermal wastes, environmental impact assessment of mining projects and water resource development work. He participated in the formulation of national programs on environmental assessment and management systems, audits and risk assessment and resource accounting.
In 1998, he was elected as the National President of the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers. He is also currently the President of the Philippine Association of Environmental Assessment Professionals and heads the office which will provides the needed internationally recognized environmental auditors for the Philippines. As a member of the International Committee of the Philippine Technological Council, he has worked for the mutual recognition of Filipino engineers in the APEC economies and ASEAN region.
He has assisted various local government units in the preparation of their environmental plans and training officials in environmental monitoring. An advocate of waste minimization, he has a soft spot for the SME’s, small and medium scale industries, formulating their environmental management system and their waste minimization programs. He has developed commissioned training modules which were nationally adopted for various environmental programs.
He has done numerous researches and consultancy works in his field of expertise and has been chairman or director of committees and projects in those fields. He has undergone special trainings in the United States, Thailand, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France and Japan and has published numerous papers in his fields of expertise. He is an ISO 1400 Certifier/Verifier EARA, United Kingdom Registry.
He is also a member of Technical Working Group, Clean Water Act, ISO 14000 Technical Working Group Standards Editor in Chief of the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water, 1993.
Arellano has authored and presented numerous technical papers not only here in the Philippines but in a number of technical forum and conventions in Asia, Europe, Australia and the United States. He sits as member of several inter agency projects; Pasig River Rehabilitation Project, Ilog Mo Irog Ko Project, PRIME, IEMP to name a few as well as in international committees on water resources and ISO environmental systems. He is a Committee Member of DENR’s EIA Review Committee and Technical Working Group for the Clean Water Act for the Philippine Congress. He is a sought after lecturer and speaker on water and wastewater management, air pollution control, solid waste management for the industry, regulatory bodies and educational institutions.
He is a Chemical Engineering graduate of the University of the Philippines, 1975 and is a holder of MS Environmental Engineering degree from the Asian Institute of Technology (1977). He also took post graduate courses at the Delft Institute, Netherlands.
Mr. Arellano is the Senior Assistant Vice President, Corporate Quality, Environment, Safety and Health Division of the Maynilad Water Services, Inc. one of the two private concessionaires of the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System and currently a Member of the Technical Panel Chemical Engineering Education, CHED.
Maynilad Water Services Inc., Philippines is the 2015 Winner of Asia’s Best Environmental Reporting and Asia’s Best Stakeholder Reporting at the Asia Sustainability Reporting Awards.